The Master’s Hammer & Chisel with Autumn Calabrese & Sagi Kalev
Get the new and highly anticipated Master’s Hammer and Chisel Workout by Beachbody!
Sculpt a lean, defined body and the best figure with this professional total body-transformation system made by Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev. The Master’s Hammer and Chisel provides impressive, body-changing results in as few as 60 days.

Fitness Trainers Autumn Calabrese and also Sagi Kalev are in high demand. They are specialists in shaping the most incredible bodies. Both trainers have racks of competitors’ prizes to verify it! Now, for the first time, they’re working together and discussing their winning approaches with you, so you can finally build a magnificent, torn body.
Just what makes The Master’s Hammer Chisel so efficient?
Sagi and Autumn have invested decades in acquiring the tools, abilities, and encounters to transform your body. Also, they’re going to assist you to do it in just 30-40 mins each day. So just what’s their secret?
It’s all in their technique. Will you not merely break out some moves or execute meaningless repeatings. With The Master’s Hammer, Chisel, you’ll utilize just what the experts call SSP Training for Stabilization, Strength, and Power. Include one or two of these phases into your workout routine, and now you should see excellent results. The program incorporates all three stages the way Sagi and Autumn carry out with The Master’s Chisel and Hammer. This detailed resistance-training technique should relentlessly chip away fat, sculpt powerful muscle mass, and improve your body’s fully for results that are actual artwork.
Believe that in 60 days, you will undoubtedly introduce your utmost body. A strong body
Ripped, and now visually sensational. Perfect for every measurement. A masterpiece.
The Master’s Hammer and Chisel