The NutriSystem Glycemic Index Meal Plan
Are carbohydrates good or bad for you? Should you eliminate all carbs from your diet? Do “good carbs” really exist?

For years, people have been wondering about carbs and how they affect weight loss. At NutriSystem, we looked into this issue and, based on the most credible scientific research in weight loss and nutrition, concluded that yes, “good” carbs do exist and that they are those who have low values on the Glycemic Index. They help you lose weight more effectively.
Carbohydrates break down slowly, encouraging stable blood sugar levels, a rate well or”low” on the Glycemic Index. Versus those that rate higher because they break down too quickly and cause your insulin levels to spike and your body store fat while also leaving you hungry soon after a meal. It’s the difference between”good” and”bad” carbs.
One can obtain the advantages of both the low-fat diet and the Atkins diet on a low-GI diet.
— Director of Obesity Programs at a major Boston hospital.
Based on this information, they’ve centered the Nutrisystem Advanced Program around these low glycemic, good carbs, plus they’ve added optimal amounts of protein and fiber to their foods. The first prepared foods program integrates low glycemic index carbohydrates into a low-fat meal plan. It’s the best of both worlds—low fat AND good carb—and this unique combination helps support stable blood sugar levels and keep you from feeling hungry while boosting your metabolism.
The Nutrisystem Advanced Program ends the low-carb, no-carb, good/bad-carb debate and gives you the ultimate advantage of a balanced, low-glycemic diet. ALL-NEW for 2008! Easier, Healthier. Also, now with a unique, heart-healthy ingredient and more crave busting power to tackle hunger. So you can eat what you love, feel full longer, and lose weight. Nutrisystem Advanced is only their best diet food program ever!

Check Out The Nutrisystem Glycemic Diet
Glycemic Impact Diet
by TK Healey
Have you heard a lot about a glycemic diet? What kind of a diet is this, and what does it mean? It is a diet with foods low in glycemic index value. Foods are ranked 1 – 100 based on their effects on blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic value will slowly release sugar into the blood. It provides a steady supply of energy and a satisfying feeling of not being hungry. Thus it would help if you snacked less often.
Naturally, food with a high glycemic impact value will do the opposite of low cost. The rapid rise in blood sugar can make you feel tired and hungry within a short period. Thus eating foods high in GI value can cause you to overeat, causing weight gain.
Diets based on the GI value will encourage you to eat foods low in GI and stay away from foods high in GI value. Most of these GI diets, like many other diets, will discourage the intake of fatty foods and incredibly saturated fats.
Foods ranked from 0 to 55 on the glycemic index have a low GI. Some foods with this rank are broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, and red peppers. These vegetables all have a level of around 10. Cherries and grapefruits run in the ’20s. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy are low in GI value. Any foods that rank over 70 have a high GI rank. Some of these foods you would want to avoid are red-skinned boiled potatoes, corn flakes, dates, bread stuffing, rice cakes, and rice crackers. Foods made from white flour are heavily processed and are usually high GI foods. It is only a tiny sampling of low and high foods in GI value.
What are some popular diets that encourage low GI values? Ann Collins, Nutrisystem, and Ediets all have diet plans based on the Glycemic Index. Many books help guide you on a low glycemic index diet. The GI diet claims to be a simple, healthy way to permanent weight loss without going hungry. There is a saying regarding this diet. If you can follow a traffic light, you can follow this diet. You are categorizing foods as green, yellow, and red.
This GI Diet can reduce your heart disease risk, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other high-risk diseases. If you are concerned about your weight and health, you owe yourself to invest the time, look into this diet, and discuss it with your doctor.

More Information Nutrisystem GI Diet
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